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  • Writer's pictureEllen Ganus

Ellen in Bold Journey

Meet Ellen Ganus

January 19, 2024

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Ellen Ganus. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation; we’ve shared it below.

Ellen, thank you so much for joining us. You are such a positive person and it’s something we really admire and so we wanted to start by asking you where you think your optimism comes from?

I have always been the kind of person that sees the glass half full. However, as a sensitive woman I am easily affected by negative news and the ups and downs of life. Therefore, I keep a gratitude journal and work daily to remind myself of my many blessings. I believe that an optimistic attitude can be cultivated by anyone willing to have a daily gratitude practice.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I am an investor in many exciting companies, but would like to share an opportunity for partnership in my health and wellness business. As the founding executive of this 8-billion-dollar company, I am thrilled to have impacted so many lives over the last 21 years. We are market disruptors, who seem to have a reputation of being ‘first in market’ with so many innovations that become global trends. We launched in 2002 with our intermittent fasting cleanse, and expanded our line with adaptogen support, drinkable collagen, telomere support, moringa. and K-skincare, before all of these products and ideas were fashionable. Our newest launch in 2024 is very exciting as we are poised to disrupt the market with a clinically proven hydration beverage that is part of our newest offer called, the Happy Pack. Anyone can get a free account and put our products on trial for 30 days. Once you have an experience, you can use your share links to create an e-commerce business that offers much more than the common affiliate programs popular today! You can set up your health and business goals as a part of our community, and have a free mentor for the journey!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

I was fortunate to have someone who believed in me, before I believed in myself. Choose your mentors wisely, and borrow their belief in you! Invest in people that deserve your time. I have a big heart and had to learn how to have better boundaries. Our COO once said to me early in my career “Your greatest challenge is that you see the best in everyone.” His statement changed my life.

Many people get stuck when they are only focused on their challenges. I have learned that being solution oriented is not only the best way to remain positive, but the fastest way to solve a problem. Adopt a growth mindset immediately!

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I am currently looking for a few individuals that prioritize their health and wellbeing, are purpose driven, hungry for change, and optimistic at heart. It is an honor to help individuals earn what they deserve so that they can fund their dreams. Our business opportunity is really a personal development program with a pay plan. As people grow into the best version of themselves, their incomes grow, too! Anyone that is clear on their dream and just needs the “how” has great potential for success here. I wish everyone could understand the simplicity of our business, because if they did all would participate, I love helping people win!

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